Out of the Fog
Out of the Fog
Lori Lydi Loveless welcomes Singer/Songwriter, Summer Bennett and Danny Dumaresque. President of Labrador Gem Seafoods.
Lori Lydi Loveless welcomes Singer/Songwriter, Summer Bennett and Danny Dumaresque. President of Labrador Gem Seafoods.
OUT OF THE FOG is a quirky, slightly off centre local entertainment/talk show broadcast in St. John's.
One of the most popular and highly visible programs in the province, Out of the Fog has become part of the local Newfoundland culture. It's a half-hour of provocative interviews, timely current event coverage, local entertainment and cultural features.
Dc is the Founder/Creative Director of Dc Design House, an award-winning advertising/design company. He’s a two-term president of Business Association of NL and an active supporter of a multitude of community organizations in the city. He is also an accomplished singer/songwriter/musician.
Jason is a Realtor/Leader of The Ask Team. His desire to educate people in real estate, led to the development of the web series The Ask Jason Show. He is co-founder/creative director: DARE Media and an active volunteer in the community. Jason balances his busy schedule by spending time with family.
Laurabel is an entrepreneur and public speaker. She is Owner/CEO of Race to Dinner NL. In recognizing disparities in society for BIPOC, marginalized and underrepresented communities, she lends her voice and experience to bring their concerns and struggles to the decision-making table.