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Community access agreement


Rogers tv is a free service provided by Rogers Communications. Rogers tv generally does not purchase television programming. There is no charge to you or your group for Rogers tv to provide production support for your show, or to broadcast your show, or to televise your event. Sponsorship revenues may be used to offset the cost of producing and televising your proposal or event.

Program Proposal, Event Coverage and Video Submission Terms

By submitting your request for event coverage, video submission or your show proposal (the “Proposal”), you acknowledge, understand, and agree to the following:

  1. Rogers tv is not obligated to use your Proposal in any manner, nor does Rogers tv have an obligation to contact you with regards to the Proposal. Rogers tv may decline the Proposal for any reason.
  2. Rogers tv receives numerous submissions of ideas, stories and other materials from other sources and Rogers tv creates and/or commissions others to create such materials on Rogers tv’s behalf (collectively, the “Rogers tv Materials”). The subject matter and substance and/or other elements contained in the Rogers tv Materials may be similar to those contained in the Proposal. You understand, acknowledge and agree that Rogers tv is accepting the Proposal at your request, which request was and is deemed to have been made by you knowing that there are or may be Rogers tv Materials which may be similar in subject matter, substance and/or other elements, to those found in the Proposal. You further understand, acknowledge and agree that Rogers tv may also in the future develop Rogers tv Materials which may be similar in subject matter, substance and/or other elements, to those found in the Proposal. As such, you have no claims or rights, including any moral rights, to any Rogers tv Materials.
  3. If Rogers tv accepts your Proposal and televises your event or program (collectively, the “Program”) (i) the Program, and all hosts and guests, must comply with Rogers tv’s Programming Policy, a copy of which will be provided to you at that time; (ii) the Program, and its host and guests, must comply with the Broadcasting Act and its regulations and industry codes, details of which will be provided to you at the time; (iii) if you are granted access to use Rogers tv’s facilities and equipment to produce your Program, you must follow all health and safety protocols, as communicated to you and Rogers Community Guidelines; and (iv) you must disclose any personal interest, including any relationship, with sponsors, which may arise at any time.
  4. All Program hosts are subject to the following additional terms:
    • Hosts must conduct themselves in a neutral and balanced manner when conducting interviews.
    • Hosts must conduct themselves in a professional manner in general, so that their credibility and objectivity as a host of a Rogers tv program is not called into question.
    • Hosts must not act as a spokesperson for Rogers tv or to represent Rogers tv in any way, without Rogers tv’s express prior approval.
  5. You acknowledge that Rogers is under no obligation to pay you for your Proposal, your Program, and your involvement in the Program is voluntary, with no expectation of compensation.
  6. Nothing contained in this agreement grants anyone the right to use Rogers tv branding in any media, including in social accounts. The use of Rogers tv branding in any of your personal or commercial social media accounts, including social media hashtags, such as #RTVHost and #RTVstation is subject to prior approval by Rogers and must be removed once your involvement with Rogers tv ends.
  7. You must refer all media inquiries you receive about your program to Rogers tv’s station management. All media interviews relating to your program on Rogers tv must be pre-approved by Rogers tv management.
  8. You acknowledge that there is no relationship of any type created, including without limitation any agency, or fiduciary relationship, as between you and Rogers tv, by submitting a Proposal.
  9. You release and forever discharge Rogers tv, and its respective parent, subsidiary, affiliated and associated companies, and their directors, officers, employees, agents, representatives, independent and dependent contractors, licensees, successors and assigns of and from any and all actions, causes of action, suits, proceedings, liability, debts, judgments, claims and demands which you may have arising out of Rogers tv’s use or rejection of the Proposal and the Program.
  10. You represent and warrant that:
    1. the Proposal and the Program, and each and every of its component elements, is your own work and is wholly original with you and not copied in whole or part from any other work;
    2. you have the full right to grant the permissions given hereunder to Rogers tv, and that no further permissions are required from, nor payments required to be made to any third party in connection with the use by Rogers tv of the Proposal and the Program; and
    3. the Proposal and the Program does not defame any person and does not infringe upon the copyright, moral rights, publicity rights, privacy rights or any other right of any person, or company, or violate any law or judicial or governmental order.
  11. You agree to indemnify and hold harmless Rogers tv, its partners, co-producers, financiers and distributors, their parent, affiliated and related companies, and all of their respective individual shareholders, directors, officers, employees, licensees and assigns from and against any claims, actions, losses and expenses (including legal expenses) resulting from any breach of your representations and warranties or any other provision of this agreement.
  12. If your Program is a video submission or an access production, you will own the Program and grant Rogers a royalty-free, perpetual licence to exhibit the Program in any media worldwide. If you are unable to grant worldwide all media rights to your Program, you must inform your Rogers tv contact, in writing, prior to broadcast that the Program (or a particular episode) is not cleared for online use. Rogers may cancel your Program at any time. If you no longer want Rogers to exhibit the Program, you must notify Rogers in writing.
  13. You acknowledge having obtained independent legal advice in connection with this agreement, failing which, you will be deemed to have voluntarily waived the right to seek such independent legal advice.
  14. Except to the extent that they conflict with these terms, the general terms and conditions for use of the Rogers tv website (the “General Terms”) are also applicable to your submission of the Proposal and the General Terms are incorporated into this agreement. If those General Terms conflict with the terms of this agreement, these terms will govern.
  15. This agreement will be governed by the laws of the Province of Ontario and the laws of Canada applicable in such Province.
  16. By submitting the Proposal and clicking “I Agree”, you acknowledge that you have read, understood and agreed to all of its terms.
  17. This agreement was drawn up in English at the express request of the Parties. / La présente entente a été préparée en anglais à la demande expresse des parties.

Discover your opportunities

From script to screen, there are many ways to get involved with Rogers tv. Connect with your local community TV station for more details about experiences and opportunities available to you.