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In the Kitchen with Resa

In the Kitchen with Resa: Shore Lunch

 In Episode 1 of In the Kitchen, Chef Resa Chef Resa kicks up the flavour with a traditional martime "Shore Lunch" consisting of  Spicy Salmon Bites and an African fusion Greek Salad.

  • In the Kitchen with Resa

    Chef Resa Solomon-Lewis takes us on a culinary journey, exploring some her favourite recipes using market fresh produce, local foods, professional Chef tips and Caribbean cuisine. Learn Chef Resa's most excellent and exclusive insider secrets honed over many years In The Kitchen.

    Get in touch
  • Host

    Resa Solomon-St. Lewis
    Resa Solomon-St. Lewis

    Resa Solomon-St. Lewis  is an award-winning Chef based in Ottawa, Ontario and the Founder of Baccanalle - Taste the Caribbean Lifestyle. She completed Chef School at Algonquin College and holds a Chemical Engineering degree from the University of Ottawa.  She grew her company Baccanalle in Farmer’s Markets and community fairs and they also offers catering, specialty foods, takeout and meal prep and is named among Canada’s top Woman-led food businesses by the Food Network 

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Mon, Mar 31
10:30 AM

Sat, Apr 5
8:30 PM

Watch on Cable 22