Everyday Politics with Laura Mae Lindo
Black History Month and The Black Agenda
Discussing Black History Month and The Black Agenda with Dr. Christopher Taylor.
Additional Resources:
- Flying Fish in the Great White North: The Autonomous Migration of Black Barbadians
- Anti-Racism Directorate - Ontario
- Cause for change: lessons for Black liberation
- United Nations: Decade for People of African Descent
- CARICOM: 10 Point Action Plan
- The Caribbean Reparation Commission outlines the path to reconciliation, truth, and justice for the victims of slavery and their descendants.
- https://caricomreparations.org/
- The Black Studies Podcast: Chevy Eugene - Department of Political Science, Dalhousie University
- https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/chevy-eugene-department-of-political-science/id1745568685?i=1000685728680
- 35th Session on the UN WGEPAD: Locating Canada in the Global Reparations Movement
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-GQ0ma0TEu0&t=18s
- Global African Congress Canada
- https://www.facebook.com/OfficialGACC/
- Concerns about disproportionate number of missing GTA Black boys prompts community meetings
- https://toronto.citynews.ca/2025/01/07/concerns-about-disproportionate-number-of-missing-gta-black-boys-prompts-community-meetings/