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Idea to investment

Welcome to "Idea to Investment," the podcast that looks into the dynamic world of entrepreneurship and investment. Join us as we embark on a journey with innovators and investors, uncovering the captivating stories that unfold from the inception of an idea to securing vital investments. This podcast goes beyond the surface, offering an intimate look into the challenges, triumphs, and pivotal moments that shape a business. We aim to amplify the voices of entrepreneurs, showcasing their resilience and ingenuity, while also gaining insights from the investors who believed in their vision.

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Get in touch
Idea to investment
  • Host

    Ken Eastwood
    Ken Eastwood

    Ken Eastwood is a 20-year veteran of the radio broadcasting industry and brings great energy as the host of  daytime London on Rogers TV.  

    The Clinton Ontario native spent time in Ottawa, Saskatoon and Regina honing his craft before returning to London in 2000.  A proud Oakridge resident, he can usually be found near a sheet of ice, either playing hockey or cheering on one of his three kids.

    Ken is an avid outdoorsman who enjoys canoeing, hiking, wilderness camping and has even built his own canoe. He also is a keen runner, having completed two marathons and several half marathons.

    He maintains strong ties to his community with connections to Community Living London, Make-A-Wish Southwestern Ontario and Canadian Paraplegic Association Ontario.  Ken is also a regular plasma and platelet donor at Canadian Blood Services.

    Ken also spends a significant amount of time speaking in third person.

Tune in

Fri, Mar 14
9:00 AM

Sat, Mar 15
6:00 PM

Mon, Mar 17
10:57 AM

Watch on Cable 13