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Sundays For Paris

Sundays For Paris is brought to you by Paris Community Church. Designed to remind us that God is unequivocally FOR YOU. Presented by pastor Joel Sherbino, it delves into God’s promises, it encourages you, and allows you to explore a deeper sense of purpose in life.

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Sundays For Paris
  • Host

    Joel Sherbino
    Joel Sherbino

    Joel has been leading Paris Community Church since 2007 and spearheads a Prison Ministry in Malawi. He's deeply committed to integrating faith into everyday life and actively engages with his local community. Joel enjoys spending time with his wife, Rebecca, and their three kids: Isaac, Masika, and Canaan. He has a passion for sports, particularly hockey, basketball and tennis, and proudly supports the New York Islanders. 

Tune in

Sun, Mar 16
10:30 AM
7:30 PM

Mon, Mar 17
7:00 AM

Watch on Cable 20